Boston Obsession: Boston Marathon Forecast, one-week-to-go edition

Here are today’s forecasts for Boston’s weather on April 18. (Well, Wellesley’s weather, really.)

Intellicast (and the Weather Channel): High 54, Low 39. Partly cloudy. 10% chance of rain. Winds 13 mph from the west.

Foreca: High 54, Low 37. Partly cloudy. 5% chance of rain all day. Winds 11 mph from the west.

Accuweather: High 54, Low 35. Partly sunny. Winds 15 mph from the north, gusts to 40 mph.

MSN: High 51, Low 33. Partly cloudy. 0% chance of rain. Winds 17 mph from the west.

Looks like there’s a general consensus today that there will be nice marathon weather on Patriot’s Day. I believe those west winds would be perfect as well. But it’s still early and these forecasts will surely keep changing.



Published by Scott

I live in Portland, Oregon. I was born in 1970.

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